Standalone Application
Here's an overview of the ntsc-rs standalone GUI. It's divided into two main sections: the effect settings on the left and the preview window on the right. Here's a diagram showing the main parts of the application with the Effect tab selected:
Left Pane
This section, just above the effect/render settings, lets you select between the effect settings and the render settings.
This setting lets you set the scale, in scanlines, of the media. This affects not only the preview but the render as well.
You can also select the filter to use when scaling the media. "Bicubic" is around 20% slower but provides smoother and crisper results, especially when scaling to less than half of the original size.
Effect Settings
This section contains all of the effect settings. It's scrollable, so be sure to scroll down to make sure you're accessing all of the settings!
Editable Value
This UI component is the textbox next to each slider. You can type in a value here to set the slider to that value, but there are some more tricks up its sleeve.
You can click and drag on the textbox itself to change the setting's value as well. Dragging up or to the right increases the value, and dragging down or to the left decreases it.
In addition, the textboxes in the effect settings support mathematical expressions. They support the basic arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /), exponentiation (**), parentheses, and a "percentage" operator (%). For example, you can type in "2 + 2.5" to set the value to 4.5, or "4/3" to set the value to 1.333... You can also type in "50%" to set the value to 0.5.
Settings Group
Some settings are grouped together. There's an outlined box around all the settings that are part of a group. The group's name is at the top of the box, and it also functions as a checkbox that can be used to disable all the settings within the group. The triangle on the right can be clicked to collapse and expand the group.
Preset Manager
This section lets you save your current settings as a preset, and load previously-saved settings presets. Clicking a preset loads it, and there's a right-click context menu on each preset that lets you rename and delete it.
The section is collapsed by default--click the "Presets" heading below the effect settings to toggle it.
Open folder
Opens the folder that the presets are saved to. This gives you access to the preset files.
If you've made changes to the presets folder (e.g. copying/pasting presets via your file manager), you'll need to reload the list to pick those changes up.
Update the selected preset with the current settings.
Save as
Save the current settings as a new preset within the presets folder.
Preset Import/Export
Save to...
You can save the current settings to a file by clicking the "Save to..." button. This will open a file dialog where you can choose where to save the file.
Load from...
Likewise, you can load settings from a file by clicking the "Load from..." button. This will also open a file dialog.
If you want to copy the current settings to the clipboard, you can click the "Copy" button. This will copy the settings in JSON format.
If you have settings in your clipboard that you want to apply, you can click the "Paste" button. This will open up a textbox where you can paste and then apply the settings.
If you've made changes to the settings and want to go back to the default settings, you can click the "Reset" button.
Right Pane
File Path
The full path of the currently-loaded media.
Media Info
This section contains information about the currently loaded media. It shows the file path, resolution, and frame rate of the media. If the media is a still image, the frame rate will be an editable text box.
Copy & Save Frame
These buttons let you copy the current frame of the preview window, with the effect applied, to the clipboard or save it to a PNG image.
Close Media
This button closes the current media.
This is where you can see the effect applied to the media. When zoomed in, you can click and drag to pan around the image, or use the scroll wheel. If the preview mode is set to "Split", you can click and drag the divider to adjust the split.
This is where you can scrub through the media. You can click and drag the playhead to scrub, or click on the timeline to jump to a specific frame. Holding Ctrl while using the scroll wheel will zoom in and out of the timeline.
This is the play/pause button, and the current seek time of the media. You can click and drag on the textbox to change the time, or type in a value.
Pressing space will play/pause the media.
This setting lets you set the zoom level of the preview window. As with the editable value textboxes in the effect settings, you can type in a value or click and drag on the textbox to change the zoom level. Expressions are not supported here. You can enter either a fractional value (e.g. 0.5) or a percentage (e.g. 50%).
The "Fit" checkbox will automatically adjust the zoom level so that the entire image fits within the preview window. If the media is smaller than the preview window, the image will be centered.
This is the volume slider for the media preview. The button on the left lets you mute the preview entirely. As with the zoom setting, you can click and drag on the textbox to change the volume level, and enter either a fractional value or a percentage.
Preview Mode
This setting lets you choose whether the effect is enabled, disabled, or split-screen. In split-screen mode, the effect is shown on the left, and the original media is shown on the right. You can click and drag the divider to adjust the split.